CNC Turning (AUEC2-034) & CNC Programming (AUEC2-021) Block
This unit identifies the training and development required in order that the learner can demonstrate that they are competent in being able prepare and use CNC turning machines, that will prepare them for entry into the engineering or manufacturing sectors, creating a progression between education and employment, or that will provide a basis for the development of additional skills and occupational competences in the working environment.
Course Content
CNC Turning (AUEC2-034)
In preparing the machine, they will be expected to select the appropriate work holding devices, and to mount and secure them to the machine spindle. They will be required to select the appropriate cutting tools, to mount and secure them to the appropriate tool holding devices, and to place the cutting tools in the relevant positions within the tool posts, turrets, slides or tool change magazine/carousel, where this is applicable.
They will need to ensure that all the tools have been allocated a relevant tool number, and that the relevant data on their co-ordinates and datum positions are entered into the operating program and machine. This will involve loading and checking component programs, checking for errors/faults, and editing and saving program changes. They will also be required to adjust the machine tool equipment and program, following editing procedures, to achieve component specification. They will be expected to produce components that combine a number of different features, such as parallel, stepped and tapered diameters, drilled, bored and reamed holes, internal and external threads, and special forms/profiles.
During, and on completion of, the turning operations, they will be expected to check the quality of the workpiece, using measuring equipment appropriate to the aspects being checked and the tolerances to be achieved. On completion of the turning activities, they will be expected to remove appropriate cutting tools and work holding devices, and to leave the machine and work area in a safe and tidy condition.
CNC Programming (AUEC2-021)
This unit identifies the training and development required in order that the learner can demonstrate that they are competent in being able to: Cover a broad range of basic computer numerical control (CNC) programming competences that will prepare them for entry into the engineering or manufacturing sectors, creating a progression between education and employment, or that will provide a basis for the development of additional skills and occupational competencies in the working environment. They will be required to produce the component program, using manual data input or by use of a remote computer, saving the prepared program on to a storage device or by downloading it into the machine controller from the computer.
They will be expected to prepare part programs, using operational sequences and machining techniques that avoid unnecessary tool/cutter movements or tool changes, and to use repetitive programs and canned cycles, to reduce program size and input time. They will prepare component programs that combine a number of different operations, such as parallel, stepped and tapered diameters, drilled, bored and reamed holes, internal and external threads, flat, square and parallel faces, angular faces, slots and recesses, special forms and profiles. They will need to check the program using single block run and program edit facilities. They will also be required to adjust the machine tool equipment and program, following proving/editing procedures, to achieve component specification. They must ensure that any edited programs are saved safely and correctly.
The learner will receive an EAL Level 2 certificate upon completion of the block
There are no formal entry requirements for this course.